Sunday, 27 April 2014

Pressure Plate Puzzle

After yet another change to our game idea (after being merged with another group), we decided to scrap the other puzzle ideas and go for something which could be incorporated whilst navigating your way around a maze. 

Once again I watched a tutorial on the website Digital-Tutors. The tutorial is titled "Creating an Action-Adventure Puzzle in Unity". I had worked my way through the 16 videos and completed each of the quizzes at the end of the videos (which are extremely useful). Within this tutorial there is a puzzle which the player has to complete; to complete the puzzle they have to walk over certain pressure plates, in a certain order for a door to open.

For our game the idea that we stuck with after being merged with a new group was much like our original idea. The player has to navigate a maze and avoid the aliens to be able to escape the farming facility. Whilst avoiding the aliens around the maze, I thought this puzzle would be perfect for the player to complete, as it would not detract from the original idea. By completing this puzzle, they would then be able to unlock the door and escape.

Below is the Pressure Plate Script.

Below is the Puzzle Logic Script

And finally, below is the Torch Script.

During this tutorial I encountered a few problems. One of my group members managed to help me fix one of the problems, where I had just mis-named something. 

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