During this third year group project, because I have only just started to focus on the coding and unity side of things, I have been using the website Digital-Tutors to watch and complete some tutorials.
One week I worked through a series of tutorials on the website, which showed you how to code a cube to move in all directions as well as being able to jump in to the air, without flipping over.
In the screenshot above you can see that I had been saving each lessons scripts as well as saving important scenes so that I can refer back to them with ease at a later date.
Below is a screenshot of the code that I had been learning in the tutorials. This particular code has materialised over many lessons. Starting at Lesson 11 where I learnt how to code the basic movement of an object, to Lesson 15 where the cube in the scene can now move about in all directions and jump in to the air without rotating over.
I have found these tutorials to be extremely useful as they are broken down very nicely, which makes them very easy to follow along at a good pace. Furthermore after you have finished a particular lesson, you are then quizzed about a fact that was mentioned in the video.
Below are a series of screenshots of the codes that I had been working on from Lesson 11 to Lesson 14.
Here you can see how the code has progressed from a basic movement script, to a fully functional movement script with the jump element.
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